Learn abkhazian

Lesson 11

Conjugation of verbs

You already noticed how verbs reflect the person. Сара сцоит, уара уцоит, бара баауеит etc. These were single person verbs, ie the verb reflects only one person. Abkhazian verbs can reflect four people at the same time.

We will conjugate the verb абара "to see" to two people.

(сара бара) бызбоит you (a woman) I see. (Correctly in English would be I see you, however, so that it is easier for you to see the order of the subjects we made a literal translation).
(сара уара) узбоит you I (a man) see (I see you)
(сара лара) дызбоит her I see (I see her)
(сара иара) дызбоит him I see (I see him)
(сара иара) (и)збоит it (inanimate class) I see (I see it)

(бара сара) сыббоит me you (a woman) see (I see you)
(уара сара) субоит me you (a man) see (I see you)
(лара сара) сылбоит she me sees (she sees me)
(иара сара) сибоит he me sees (he sees me)
(иара сара) сабоит it (inanimate class) me sees (it sees me)

We will conjugate the verb арбара "to show" to three people:

(иара бара сара) ибсырбоит it (inanimate class) you (a woman) I show (I show it to you)
(иара сара уара) иусырбоит it (inanimate class) you (a man) I show (I show it to you)
(иара сара лара) илсырбоит it (inanimate class) her I show (I show it to her)
(иара иара сара) и(и)сырбоит it (inanimate class) him I show (I show it to him)
(иара иара сара) иасырбоит it (inanimate class) it (inanimate class) I show (I show it to it)

If we change the position of the person, it changes the meaning.

(иара сара бара) исбырбоит it (inanimate class) me you show (you show it to me)
(иара лара бара) илбырбоит it (inanimate class) her you show (you show it to her)
(иара иара бара) (и)ибырбоит it (inanimate class) him you show (you show it to him)
(иара иара бара) иабырбоит it (inanimate class) it (inanimate class) you show (you show it to it)

Exercise 1
Fill in the missing translation!

исылҭоит it (inanimate class) to me she gives (she gives it to me)
иулҭоит .........................................................
ибылҭоит .........................................................
(и)илҭоит .........................................................
иалҭоит .........................................................

Exercise 2
Fill in the missing letters.

илысҭоит it (inanimate class) to her I give (I give it to her)
........ ҭоит it (inanimate class) to you (a woman) I give (I give it to you)
........ ҭоит it (inanimate class) to you (a man) I give (I give it to you)
........ ҭоит it (inanimate class) to him I give (I give it to him)
........ ҭоит it (inanimate class) to her I give (I give it to her)
........ ҭоит it (inanimate class) to it (inanimate class) I give (I give it to it)

In the form of the word узбоит, as in the forms бызбоит and дызбоит, between the personal indicators (уз) is the vowel ы, however, by the current orthographic rules ы is not written next to и and у, and so we have the forms узбоит, сибоит, субоит.

Exercise 3
And now try to place the pronouns according to the form of the verb.
For example: изгоит - иара сара изгоит

two-person three-person

Exercise 4
Translate into English.

  1. Бааи, амҩа (и)бсырбап!
  2. Аҩашазы сашьа ашкол ахь сигоит.
  3. Саб есқьынгьы аҧара сиҭоит.
  4. Аҧхын амшын ахь бызгоит.
  5. Ала афата (акәац) (и)асҭоит.
  6. Иахьа аҩны Кама дызбеит.
  7. Арахь уааи.
  8. Ҭагалан сан ақыҭахь сылгоит.

Exercise 5
To translate into Abkhazian is a little more difficult, but you've done it okay a few times already.

  1. Today I will take you (a woman) to work.
  2. My brother will give me a car.
  3. Come, I'll show you my dog.
  4. On Tuesday he will show me his house.
  5. In summer I will see my friend.
  6. She always gives me money.

Exercise 6
Join the pronouns in the left column with the verbs in the right. The grammar commentary from the lesson will help you.

сара лара
иара сара
сара бара
лара сара
сара уара
лара бара
бара сара
бара лара

Typical mistakes!
сара лара дызбоит means that you see her (literally: I her see)
лара сара сылбоит means that she sees you (literally: she me sees)
Can you see the difference?!