Learn abkhazian

Review 2

Review of lessons 3-6

Have you learnt the material well? Test yourself!

Dictionary of lessons 3-6

амш day. Иахьа' амш бзи'оуп. Today is a good day (good weather).
ала' dog. Сара' сла бзи'а избо'ит. I love my dog.
бзи'а абара' to love.
амшы'н sea.
а'аи (аие'и) yes.
мап (мамо'у) no.
аус business. Сара' сус зды'руеит. I know my business.
ау'сура work.
ау'сура (ау'с аура') to work. А'хра ау'с иуе'ит. Akhra works.
ады'рра to know. Сара' бара' бызды'руеит. I know you (to a woman).
е'иҧшра (а'иҧшра) similar. Сара' дсе'иҧшуп. Similar to me. Наа'ла дле'иҧшуп. Similar to Naala. Лара дле'иҧшуп. Similar to her.
а'ҧсуа Abkhazian (person). Сара' саҧсу'оуп. I am an Abkhazian.
Аҧсны' Abkhazia. Сара' саҧсу'оуп, Аҧсны' сынхо'ит. I am an Abkhazian, I live in Abkhazia.
аҧша' а'сра to blow (of wind). Ара' аҧша' а'суеит. Here the wind blows.
аҧшра' to look. Сара' сыҧшуе'ит. I look. Иара' дыҧшуе'ит. He looks. Лара' дыҧшуе'ит. She looks. Лара' сара' сахь дыҧшуе'ит. She looks at me (in my direction).
аҧха' warm. Амш ҧхоуп. The day is warm.
а'ҧхьара to read. Сара' са'ҧхьоит. Иара даҧхьоит. Иара агазеҭ даҧхьоит.
уи he, her, that, those (demonstrative pronoun). Уи дыҧшуеит амшын ахь. He (she) looks at the sea.
а'ҭара to give. Иу'сҭоит. I give you (a man). Ибы'сҭоит. I give you (a woman). Исы'лҭоит. She gives me. Иу'иҭоит. He gives you. Иҭ! Give him.
аҧара money. Ка'ма, А'хра аҧа'ра иҭ! Kama, give the money to Akhra.
аҭахра' to want, to wish. Сара' исҭаху'п. I wish, I want. Бара' ибҭаху'ма? Do you (a woman) want? Иара (и)иҭаху'ма? Does he want?
иҭабу'п thank you.
а'ццакра to be in a hurry. Наа'ла дыццакуе'ит. Naala is in a hurry. Уара' уццакуа'ма? Are you (a man) in a hurry?
абри' (ари') this, that.
ихьҭоуп cold.
а'хьҭакра (а'хьҭа акра') to freeze, to feel cold. А'хьҭа саки'т. I feel cold.
аҭы'п place.
а'ҧхьа in front, ahead, before, at first, from the beginning. Сара саҧхьа. In front of me.
(а)аны'жьра to leave, leave alone, abandon. Ины'жь Leave it. Ара' ины'жь Leave it here.
а'шьыжь morning, in the morning. Даме'и а'шьыжь даауе'ит. Damai will come in the morning.
шьыжьла mornings, in the mornings. Шьыжьла амшын ахь сцоит. In the mornings I (usually) walk by the sea.
акры'фара, а'фара to eat.
амашьы'на car; машьы'нала by car.
шьыбжьо'н for lunch. Гәди'са машьы'нала шьыбжьо'н даа'ит. Gudisa came for lunch by car.
шьыбжьы'шьҭахь afternoon. Шьыбжьы'шьҭахь ара' аҧша' а'суеит. In the afternoon here the wind blows.
а'шьҭахь after, later, behind.
шьыжьхьа' breakfast. Шьыжьхьа' а'шьҭахь Наа'ла Гәди'са ашко'л ахь дылге'ит. After breakfast Naala took Gudisa to school.
а'(иа)шьа / а(и)ешьба brother.
а'мазаара to have.
ақы'ҭа village. Сара сқыҭа. My village.
а'қалақь town, city. Сара сықалақь бзиа избоит. I love my town.
ақьаа'д paper. Ақьаа'д иану'п. Written on paper.
есқьынгьы' always, constantly.
а'цқьа clean. Ақьаад цқьоуп. The paper is clean.
ары'цқьара to clean. Исрыцқьоит I clean. Ибрыцқьоит. You (a woman) clean.
а'шықәс year.
азы' for. Сара сзы ари ашықәс бзиан. For me this was a good year.
а'лгара to finish, салгоит, уалгоит, балгоит, далгоит.
аагара' to bring, иаага' bring (imperative)
-қәа plural suffix; а'қалақьқәа towns, ақыҭақәа villages.

Exercise 1
Translate into English.
You've already met these sentences. It won't be difficult to translate them!

Инна ара аус луеит. Ахра, уара амшын бзиа иубома? Сашьа дыббар бҭахума? Гәдиса ара дынхоит. Абри агазеҭ иҭ! Ана Асҭамыр дызбоит, иара дыццакуеит. Сара саҳәшьа слеиҧшуп. Уи аҧара сара исыҭ. Шьыбжьышьҭахь Кама дааит, Дамеи машьынала дааигеит. (Answers)

Exercise 2
And now translate sentences into Abkhazian.

  1. I love Naala, she is good, calm.
  2. Do you (a man) love the sea? Yes, I love the sea.
  3. Inna, has Damai gone to school? Yes. Did he take Kama? Yes, he brought her by car.
  4. Naala was freezing. In the afternoon here the wind always blows. I look at the sea, today is cold.
  5. Do you work, Said? Yes, I love my work. I know my work well.
  6. Daur, come in. No, thank you, I'm in a hurry. Come for lunch. Thank you Kama, goodbye.
  7. Do you live here? Are you going to work today?

Remember that the person indicator и- disappears in a few places. In such situations we will show it as an optional element in brackets.

Exercise 3
You have learned quite a few words and expressions. Remember them and make dialogs in Abkhazian language for the following situations.

a). You love the sea. Your friends also. In the mornings you go to the sea. etc.

b). You work. You love your work. You know it well. You go to work by car. You're in a hurry, your brother is taking you. He comes in the morning. etc.

Exercise 4
I wonder how many sentences you can make with the words below!

Сара, аҧшра, амшын, ахь, лара, ацара, аҧара, аҧша, ашьыжь, ахьҭа, акра, агара, абри, аҭыҧ, абзиа, асра.

Exercise 5
Of the three choices, choose the only correct one:

амшын   1) ҧхоуп
2) еиҧшра
3) есқьынгьы
сара   1) дыҧшуеит
2) амазаара
3) сыццакуеит
амашьына   1) даҧхьоит
2) уҧшуеит
3) имоуп
ашкол   1) дцоит
2) салгоит
3) дыццакуеит
(и)асуеит   1) аусура
2) амшын
3) аҧша