Learn abkhazian

Lesson 15

Continuing to learn the letters of the Abkhazian alphabet (шә, жә)
Work with vocabulary
New words and expressions.

шәара' you (second person plural pronoun), you - form of polite address. (short form шә(а)-). Шәара шәабацои? Where are you going?
ашǝахьа' Monday. Уаҵǝы' шәахьо'уп. Tomorrow is Monday.
ашәҟәы' book. Ари' ашәҟәы' сҩы'за иси'ҭеит. My friend gave me this book.
а'шәтра blossom (ишәҭуе'ит, ишәҭи'т). А'ҵлақәа шәҭит. The trees have blossomed.
ашәҭ flower. Ашәҭ шәҭит. The flower has bloomed.
ашәҵара' dress, put on. Наа'ла аҵкы' ҟаҧшь лшәы'лҵеит. Naala wore a red dress.
ашәы'хра take off (clothes). Наа'ла лыҵкы' ҟаҧшь лшәы'лхит. Naala took off her red dress.
а'ҧсшәа абхазский язык (synonym а'ҧсуа бызшәа')
а'ҧсшәа аҳәара' greet. А'ҧсшәа сҳәе'ит. I greeted. А'ҧсшәа иа'ҳҳәеит. We greeted him. А'ҧсшәа еибы'рҳәеит. (They) greeted (each other). А'ҧсшәа еиба'ҳҳәеит. We greeted.
ашәы'р fruit. Ашәы'р ҟале'ит. The fruit is ripe.
а'жәа word
жәацы' the day before yesterday
а'жера drink. Аҩы' зжәуе'ит. I drink wine.
ажәра' cook. Акәа'ц (и)зжәйт. I cooked meat.
а'аҧын spring. Иаа'ит аа'ҧын. Spring has come.
аха' but, however

Remember the proverb!

Ажәаҭҟьеи – ахыҭҟьеи. A stray word (an involuntarily escaped, thoughtless word) is a stray bullet.

Before voiced consonants, the second person indicator of the number шә(а) turns into a voiced жә(а), for example, ижәгоит <ишәгоит "take"

Read and remember!

Иаа'ит а'аҧын. Аҳа'уа ҧхе'ит. Ишәҭи'т а'шәҭқәа. Исшәы'з апа'лта ҧха сшәы'схит, аха' исшәы'сҵара сызды'рам.
Иахьа' шәахьо'уп, ау'сура сца'роуп.
Жәацы' сырҵаҩы' дызбе'ит. А'ҧсшәа еиба'ҳҳәеит. Уи' ашко'л аҟны' а'ҧсуа бызшәа' (а'ҧсшәа) ҳирҵо'н. Сара' сиа'зҵааит: - Шәаба'цои? - ҳәа. - Абиблиоте'кахь сцо'ит - иҳәе'ит. Дырми'т Гәли'а ишәҟәы' сҭаху'п ҳәа се'иҳәеит. – Уи ашәҟәы' сара' исы'моуп, сара' ишәы'сҭоит - ҳәа иасҳәеит. Уаҵәы' уи ашәҟәы' и'сҭоит.

Spring came. The air became warm. The flowers have bloomed. I took off the warm coat I was wearing, but I don't know what to wear.
Today is Monday, I have to go to work.
The day before yesterday I saw my teacher. We said hello. He taught us the Abkhaz language at school. I asked him "Where are you going"? I'm going to the library, he said. He said "I need Dmitria Gulia's book". I told him: "I have this book, I'll give it to you". Tomorrow I will give him this book.

Exercise 1
Translate into Abkhazian.

1. I am learning Abkhazian language.
2. I love Abkhazian language.
3. My teacher gave me this book.
4. Today is Monday.
5. Where are you going?
6. We're going to work.
7. Astanda studies in our class.
8. What happened the day before yesterday?
9. Yesterday I saw Akhra.
10. The woman cooked meat.

Exercise 2
Insert the missing letters.

сара и...жәуеит
уара и...жәуеит
бара и...жәуеит
иара и...жәуеит
лара и...жәуеит
иара (inanimate class) и...жәуеит

Exercise 3
Match the words in the left column with the words in the right column.


Exercise 4
From the three proposed options, choose the correct one.


Exercise 5
Do you love spring? Describe this time of year. Use the lesson vocabulary.

Exercise 6
Expand the parentheses.

1. Уи ашәҟәы сара (амазаара).
2. Уаҵәы шәахьоуп, аусурахь (ацара) (duty).
3. Кама Ахра аҧсшәа (аҳәара).
4. Наала аҵкы ҟаҧшь (ашәҵара).
5. Ашәҭқәа (ашәҭра).
6. Жәацы сырҵаҩы (абара).
7. Лара ашкол аҟны аҧсшәа (аҵара).
8. Сара аҧсуа бызшәа (бзиа абара).