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Abkhazian-English dictionary

аагара’, иаага’ bring (here)
аа’и (аие’и) yes
ааигәа’ near; recently
аакры’фарҭа dining room. Акрыфартаҿы акрысфеит. I ate in the cafeteria.
(а)аны’жьра leave. Иныжь. Leave it. Ара’ ины’жь. Leave it here.
аа’лын spring. Иаа’ит ааҧын. Spring has come.
аара’ come; arrive. Бара баайт. You (a woman) have come.
аа’тра open. Иаарты’! Open up!
аа’хәара buy. Ача аасхәеит. I bought bread.
аб father. Сара саб. My father.
а’(ие)ҳәшьа sister. Кама саҳәшьа’ ло’уп. Kama (is) my sister. Ка’ма дсаҳәшьо’уп. Kama is my sister.
а’(ие)шьа brother. Сашьа Беслан ихьӡуп. My brother’s name is Beslan.
аиаа’ира victory; аиаа’ира агара’ win. Аиаа’ра амш аны’ҳәа. Holiday Victory Day
айара’ lie, сио’уп I am lying, био’уп you (a woman) are lying
а’иасра cross, get over
аиҵабы’ younger. Сашьа еиҵбы ихьӡуп Беслан
а’ибадырра acquaintance. Ҳаибадырра сейгәырҕьоит. I’m glad to meet you
а’ибадырра meet. Шәеибады’р, ари сҩы’за йоуп. Meet my friend.
а’иҕьашьара prefer.
аиҕь better. Ари еиҕьуп. It is better
а’иҕьхара (е’иҕьхара) to become better
а’изара meeting
а’илацәажәара discuss
а’имаа shoes
а’иҧшра be like. Сара’ дсе’иҧшуп. He is like me.
а’ихагыла floor (storey of building)
аиҳабы older. Сашьа еиҳабы ихьӡуп Дамеи. My older brother’s name is Damei.
а’ицәажәара talk (to each other); agree
а’ишәа table; аишәа архиара set the table; аишәа ахатәара sit down at the table
ан mother
ана’ there
а’уп (оуп) is (linking verb). Ари’ сҩыза А’сҭамыр ио’уп. This is my friend Astamur.
аба’ dried (about wet things).
абааӡара’ get wet
аба’р here. Абар амшын. Here (is the) sea.
бара’ (short form б(а)) you (a woman)
абара’ dry out (about wet things).
абара’ see. Лара’ илбо’йт. She sees. Иубои? What do you (a man) see?
аба’ҳча garden. Наала ҳба’ҳчаҟны ашәы’р ҿы’лхуеит. Naala is picking fruit in our garden.
абҕьы’ sheet
абҕьы’ц leaf абзи’а good
бзи’а абара’ love
бзи’ала! Goodbye!
абзи’ара шәзыҟалааит (узыҟалааит, бзыҟалааит)! best wishes!
бзи’а(ра) бба’аит! Return greeting (addressed to a woman) literally: yes see you good! Бзиа(ра) уба’аит! Return greeting (addressed to a man).
абзи’араз! best wishes! Goodbye!
абзи’аразы уаҩ днеи’лааит (form of politely declining an invitation home). Thank you, another time!
абри’ (ари’) this
абҵара’(мза) November
агара’ take; lead away; carry away. Иара’ (и)иго’ит. He takes. Ибгои? What are you (a woman) taking?
а’гхара be late; linger
агы’лара stand; get up
агьа’ма taste, flavor
агәабзи’ара health
агәы’ heart
агәы’ а’хәара like; glad. Сгәы иахәуеит. I like it; I’m glad
агәы’ла neighbor. Ҳара ҳгәы’ла илы’хьӡуп На’зи. Our neighbor’s name is Naazi.
а’ҕба ship. Аҕба (и)ааит. The ship has arrived.
а’ҕәҕәа strong. Иара дыҕәҕәоуп. He is strong.
а’дныҳәалара congratulation. Адныҳәалара дапхьеит I read the congratulations.
а’дныҳәалара congratulate. Илыдысныҳәалеит. I congratulated her. Ишәыдысныҳәалоит! Congratulations!
адҵа’ exercise; task. Адҵа’ сы’рҭеит. I was given a task.
дызу’сҭада, who is he/she? бызустада, who is she? узусҭада? who is he?
ады’рра know.
адәахьы’ outside
адәқьа’н shop. Ҳаҩны аҧхьа адәқьан гылоуп. In front of our house is a store.
адаы’ field. Ари адәы дууп, ииаҵǝоуп. This field is big and green.
адәы’ҕба train. Адәыҕба ааит. The train has arrived.
адәы’қәлара depart. Адәыгба дәықәлоит. The train is departing.
адәы’лҵра leave (from the room)
а’иҧшра (е’иҧшра) be like; resemble
есқьынгьы’ always, constantly
а’еҵәа a general term for the colors of the blue and green spectrums; star.
жьҭаара’(мза) October
ажьырны’ҳәа(мза) January
а’жәа word. А’жәаҭҟьа ахыҭҟьа’. A stray word (an involuntarily escaped word) is a stray bullet.
жәацы’ the day before yesterday
жәабра’нмза February
а’жера drink. Аҩы зжәуеит. I drink wine.
ажәра’ cook. Акәа’ц (и)зжәйт. I cooked meat.
а’замана wonderful
азгәа’ҭара celebrate. Ҳара аныҳәа азгәаҳҭоит. We are celebrating the holiday.
а’зҵаара ask. Аҵасы арҵаҩы длазцааит. The student asked the teacher
азҵаа’ра question. Сара азҵаара сымоуп. I have a question.
азҵаара аҭара ask a question. Арҵаҩы аҵасы азҵаара илҭеит. The student asked the teacher a question
азы’ for. Сара сзы ари ашықәс бзиан. This year has been good for me.
а’ӡбара decide; judge
а’ӡҕаб girl (synonym аҭыҧҳа)
а’ӡра lose, иӡит get lost
аӡра’ fry (иӡи’т, иӡы’н) изӡи’т I fried
аӡы’ water аӡы’ хьшәа’шәоуп the water is cold
а’ӡын winter. Иаа’ит а’ӡын. Winter has come.
а’ӡсара swim (дыӡсо’ит, дыӡсеит)
а’ӡәӡәара wash (сыӡӡәо’ит, сыӡәӡәо’н)
аӡәы’ one (animate class); someone
иаба’? where? (interrogative pronoun). Сабаубеи? Where did you see me? Дабаубеи? Where did you see him/her?
ианба’ when? (interrogative pronoun)
иара’ (short form - иа, д(а)) he
иахьа’ /иехьа’ / ехьа today
иацы’ / иецы’ /ецы’ yesterday
иҕәҕәаны’ strong, strongly. Аҧша (и)ҕәҕәаны (и)асуеит. The wind is blowing hard.
итабу’п thank you
акака’лкра have a snack/a quick bite. Какалк скит. I had a snack.
акахуа’ coffee
а(кры’)фара eat. Крысфоит. I am eating.
акы’р for a while; some amount.
акьы’ла kilogram
акәа’ц meat
акәашара dance. Ахра акәашара бзиа ибоит. Akhra loves to dance.
а’қалақь city
ақы’та village. Сара сқыҭа. My village.
ақьаа’д paper. Ақьаа’д иану’п. Written on paper.
ҟаи no. Ҟаи, уи сара’ исызды’рам. Нет, этого я не знаю.
аҟазаара to be (somewhere), иҟоуп there is, to be (somewhere)
аҟазшьа’ character, disposition. Наа’ла лҟазшьа’ бзи’оуп.
аҟалара happen, occur иҟалазеи? иҟалеи? What happened?
аҟны’ in, on, at (to the question where?), ашко’л аҟны’ at school, аҩнаҟны’ at home
аҟаҧшь red. Аҵәа (и)ҟаҧшь’уп. The apple is red.
аҟаҵара do. Сырҵаюы’ исы’лҭаз адҵа’ ҟасҵо’ит. I am doing/will do the task that my teacher gave me.
А’ҟәа Sukhum. Сара’ сынхо’ит А’ҟәа а’қьалақь аҟны’. I live in the city of Sukhum.
аҟәа’нда warm. Иахьа’ амшы’н ҟәа’ндоуп. Today the sea is warm.
аҟәара’ shore, амшын аҟәара’ sea shore
аҟәы’ш smart; clever. Марҭа дҟәы’шуп. Marta is smart.
ала’ dog
лара’ (short form - ла, д(а)) she
а’лархәра: ахы алархәра participate. Шәхы алашәырхәы. Take part.
а’лгара finish
лаҵара’(мза) May
алеиҩе’ира walk, stroll. Шьыжьла слеишҩиуеит. In the mornings I take a walk.
а’лхра choose
ма’п (мамо’у) no
макьа’на for now…
а’мазаара have
а’маҭҩа clothes
маҷк a little. Иахьа маҷк сыццакуеит, нас ҳаицәажәап. I’m in a bit of a hurry today, we’ll talk later.
амашьы’на car;
машьы’нала by car
а’мра sun
мшаҧы’(мза) April
амш day; weather
амш азцаара agenda
а’мшира birthday
мшыбзиа! good day! (literally: the day is good!).
амшы’н sea.
амҽы’ша Sunday
а’мҩа road, street. Ари’ а’мҩа сқы’ҭаахь ицо’ит. This road goes to my village.
а’мҩа бзи’а! have a good trip!
а’мҩаҧгара conduct; spend (time)
мҧа’мш (шәықәлааит)! Счастливого пути!
на’нҳәа(мза) August
а’наскьагара to see off. Сара сҩыза днаскьазгоит. I’m seeing off a friend.
нас then
анеи’ра come (there)
а’нкьа before, once upon a time
-нтәи suffix giving names the meaning of (something); аҩны house, аҩнынтәи from home
анхара’ live. Лара’ ара’ дынхо’ит. She lives here. Иара’ ана’ дынхо’ит. He lives there.
анҵара’ write down
аныҟәара walk, move. Сныҟәоит. I’m walking.
аны’ҳәа holiday. Иахьа ныҳәоуп. Today is a holiday.
-оуп suffix with the meaning of obligation. Изга’роуп. I have to take. Илба’роуп. She should see (it). Даа’роуп. He/she must arrive.
аҧа’ра money
аҧенџьыр window
аҧсшьа’рҭа ҩны holiday home
а’ҧсшәа Abkhazian language (synonym аҧсуа бызшәа)
а’ҧсшәа аҳәара greet
аҧха’ warm
ҧхынҷкәы’н(мза) December
ҧхынгәы(мза) July
а’ҧхьа in front, first; at first.
а’ҧхьаӡара count
а’ҧхьара read
аҧҳа’ daughter
аҧҳәы’с woman; wife
аҧша’ а’сра blow (about wind)
а’ҧшаара search, find
а’ҧшӡа beautiful
аҧшра’ wait
аҧшра’ look; watch
а’ҧшәма master (of the house); spouse
а’ҧшәмаҧҳәыс mistress (of the house), wife
ара’ (абра’) here.
а’рацǝа many
рашәара’(мза) June
а’рӡра lose; get lost
арҭ this, these
арҵаҩы’ teacher
ары’цқьара (to) clean
сара’ (short form - c(a)) I
аса’хьаҭыхҩы artist
асы’ snow
асы аура fall (about snow)
атәара’ sit
атә(ызаа)ра’ belong
атәы’ла country
(и)ҭабу’п than you
ҭага’лан autumn
аҭа’лара enter (something)
аҭа’мзаара: саҭамзааит excuse me
а’ҭара give
аҭаҭәара’ pour; spill
аҭахра’ want, desire
аҭыӡҭа’ address
аҭы’нч quiet, calm
аҭы’ҧ place
ауасҭа’ master (workman)
ауаҩы’ person
аулафахәы’ salary
ау’с case; matter
ау’сумҭа product
ау’сурта workplace
ау’сура (ау’с аура’) (to) work
ау’сура work (job)
ауҭраҭы’х vegetables
ya’ there
уажәы’ now
уара’ (short form - y(a) you (a man)
уахь there
уаҵәы’ tomorrow
убас’ so (like that)
уи’ а’шьҭахь after that
уи’ he, she, that, that (demonstrative pronoun)
урҭ that, those
аха’ but, however
аха’лара get up
ахаҟны’ at the head
аха’рџь expenses
аха’ҵа man; husband
ха’ҵа ацара’ get married (of a woman) (take a husband)
ахы’ head
ахы’бра roof; building
хы’мҧада certainly
ахьӡ name
ахьӡара’ catch up
а’хьӡ(заа)ра be called
а’хьҭа cold
а’хьҭакра (а’хьҭа акра’) freeze, chill
а’хьшәашәа cold
а’хьшәа’шәахара become cold.
ахә price
а’хәмарра play
хәажәкы’ра(мза) March
а’хәша oil
хәыҷы’к a little (synonym маҷк)
ахәыҷы child; small
ҳа’мҭак not long, a little time
ҳара’ we (first person plural pronoun), short form ҳ(а)-)
а’ҳаҭыр respect
аҳҭны’қалақь capital
аҳақьы’м doctor
аҳа’бла village
а’ҳалал kind
аҳамҭа present
аҳара’ hear
аҳа’уа air; climate
а’ҳәара ask
аҳәара’ talk, say
аҳәынҭқа’рра state, nation
а’цқьа clean
ацара’ go, leave
ацара’ go
а’ццакра hurry
ацәа’ leather; bark; cover
ацәа’жәара talk
а’цәара sleep; fade away
а’цәгьа difficult
а’цәгьахара become bad, go bad.
ацәқәырҧара’ surge (about the sea)
цәамҭха’а шәоуааит (уоуааит, боуааит)! Good night!
цәыббра’(мза) September
ацәқәырҧа wave
ацәы’ргақәҵа exhibition
аҵа’ара freeze
аҵа’ра learn; teach
аҵа’ра studies
ацаҩы’ student
аҵкы’ dress (woman’s)
а’ҵла tree
а’ҵра pass (about time)
а’ҵх а’лыҧха шәо’уааит (уо’уааит, бо’уааит)! good night!
аҵәа’ apple
а’ҵәахра hide
аҵәу’ара cry
ача’ bread
ачашы’ла wheat flour
а’ҷкәын boy
ашара’ share
ашко’л school
а’шықәс year
ашы’ла corn flour
шьыжьхьа’ breakfast
а’шьҭахь after, then; behind
а’шьыжь morning; in the morning
шәара’ you (second person plural), you (form of polite address). (short form шә(а)-)
ашә cheese
ашәҭ flower
а’шәҭра blossom
ашәҵара dress, put on
ашǝахьа’ Monday
ашәҟәы’ book
ашәҟәы’ҩҩсы writer
ашәы’р fruit
ашәы’хра take off (clothes), Наа’ла лыҵкы’ ҟаҧшь лшәы’лхит. Naala took off her red dress.
аҽа’ршьцылара exercise. Ари аҽаршьцылара аҟацара цәгьоуп. This exercise is difficult to do.
аҽа’ршьцылара exercise; train. Capa cҽaсы’ршьцылоит I’m exercising.
аҽы’-\ аҽа’- reflexive particle (а’цәахра hide аҽы’ҵәахра hide) азыҟаҵара prepare (for something) аҽазы’ҟаҵара prepare (for something) (doesn’t really translate in English)
аҽы’ҧсахра change
ҽаҩраҭага’лан autumn. Ҽаҩраҭагалан аҵлақәа рыбҕьы каҧсоит. Tree leaves fall off in autumn
аҿа’р the youth
аҿаҳәара’ tie, fasten
аҿы’хра tear, pick (about fruits, berries)
аҿы’ in, at
аҿыҭра’ call (for)
аҿы’ц new. Иахьа’ ашәҟәы’ ҿыц сзаа’рхәеит. Today they bought me a new book.
ęыц again. Сара ҿыц аҽазы’ҟаҵара са’лагеит. I started getting ready again
аџы’ш garlic
џьара’ somewhere. Џьара иҟоуп it’s somewhere; џьара ицеит let’s go somewhere
аџьармы’ка market; fair
а’џьашьара be surprised. Сара иџьа’сшьеит. I was surprised.
аџьра’ fry. Акәа’ц лџьит. (She) fried the meat
аџьы’ба pocket. Сџьы’ба аҧа’ра ҭо’уп. I have money in my pocket.
аџьы’ка salt. Сан аџьы’ка аа’лхәеит. My mother bought salt.
аџьымшьы’ onion
ҩы’џьа two, ҩы’џьа а’ишьцәа
аҩа’ша Tuesday. Иахьа’ ҩа’шоуп. Today is Tuesday. Аҩа’шазы саауе’ит. I’ll come on Tuesday.
аҩе’жь yellow. Абҕьы’ ҩе’жьхеит. The leaves have turned yellow.
аҩна’лара enter the premises; settle down. Наа’ла аҩны дыҩна’леит. Naala entered the house.
аҩны’ house. Сыҩны’ ана’ игы’лоуп. My house is there.
а’ҩра run. Дамей ды’ҩуеит. Damei is running.
аҩра’ write. Асҭанда ды’ҩуе’ит. Astanda writes.
аҩы’ wine. Ари’ аҩы’ агьа’ма бзи’оуп. This wine tastes good.
аҩы’за friend. Ахра дҩыза бзиоуп. Akhra is a good friend.